EMEC Sensors

EMEC have a wide range of probes for use with their controllers.  If the probe you require is not on our website please enquire.

pH Probes 

  • Full range of pH sensors – 0-14 pH
  • 1µS and above
  • 7 bar, 70°C typical, high temp options available


Redox Probes

  • Redox (ORP) Sensors
  • Single or double junction
  • potable water and  wastewater measuring ranges


Chlorine Probes

  • Free chlorine, total chlorine and chlorine dioxide sensorsecl6 web
  • ranges from 0-2 mg/l to 0-200mg/l
  • potable water, swimming pool, laboratory and wastewater applications
  • hydrogen peroxide, ozone, peracetic acid, bromine, chlorites, potentiostatic probes also available


See also chlorine probe spare parts

Conductivity Probes

  • Variety of electrodes and measuring rangesECDC web


Miscellaneous Probes

  • Turbidity
  • Dissolved Oxygen
  • Temperature
  • Fluoride
  • Tracer
